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Pre-Installation Checklist

Email your town's permit requirements & a plot plan to Cherry Hill Pool

Most towns will now only accept plot plans with the pool location added to them by a certified engineer. Please contact your building department to verify what is required when submitting a permit for an in-ground swimming pool, including all of the setbacks to property lines and structures. Once you obtain this information email it along with the plot plan to CHP so that we can submit the application. All plot plans must be a SCANNED pdf (or an original file from the engineer) and cannot be a picture converted into a pdf.

Building Department Phone: _______________________

Contact Name: _____________________________________

Certified Plot Plan Needed: Y/N (customer's responsibility to provide to CHP)

Can the pool be added to the plan by the pool company: Y / N

Will an As-Built plan be required to close the permit: Y / N (customer's responsibility to submit to town after project completion)

Front Setback:

Side Setback:

Rear Setback:

Septic Setback:


Easement Setbacks:

Structure Setbacks:

Other Setbacks:

Call your Conservation Dept. to see if there are any restrictions on your property.

If you find out that you do have conservation restrictions on your property you will likely need to hire an engineering company to come out - delineate the wetlands, and create a new plot plan that will then need to be presented/approved by the Conservation Dept. Because this can be a lengthy process, we suggest getting started ASAP.

Proposed distance from pool to wetlands (if applicable): _________ NA ______

Historic District area (if applicable)

If you are in a historic district you will need to obtain approval before CHP can apply for the building permit. Because this can too be a lengthy process, we suggest getting started ASAP.

Limitations: _______________________________________________ NA __________

Contact Patio Company

You will need to hire a patio company to do both the coping and patio area around the pool & spa (if applicable). Please be sure to let them know exactly what you have ordered from CHP (pool/spa name, any water features & auto covers). If you are not clear then there is a potential for increased costs once they come out to do the installation. Please note that some patio companies book up to 1 year in advance - so, please start this process ASAP.

Name of pool: ____________________________________

Pool Dimensions: ______________________

Contact Fence Company

You will need to hire a fence company/contractor to install a fence after the pool is in. Depending on the property and the fence configuration, some fences can be installed prior to the pool - however, you must leave 20' of access for our machines/trucks to get in and out of the yard. This access area will be told to you during your site evaluation. If you are unsure, please contact the office.

NOTE: If the pool/spa is directly accessible from the house (i.e. no fence in-between) then you will need to install audible alarms on any door that enters this area. These alarms can be readily found online.

Source an Electrician and Gas Plumber (if applicable)

Everyone needs to hire an electrician to wire the pool equipment and to do all other pool-necessary work during the construction. CHP has several electricians that we suggest customer's contract with.

If you are getting a natural gas or propane heater then you will need to hire a gas plumber as well. If you need propane tanks be sure to contact a propane company ahead of time letting them know the BTUs of the heater(s) you are getting (located on your contract) so that they can size those appropriately. Though a propane company supplies the tanks/propane you will need to make sure you have someone to make the connection to the heater(s) as well. Some propane companies will have someone that can do this or you can contact a licensed gas plumber to make the connection separately. CHP has several licensed gas plumbers that we recommend as well.

If you need any recommendations for gas or electrical, please contact CHP directly.

NOTE: Many of these contractors are very busy during the pool season so they may not be available to come to your house and give you a quote. However, they can give you a ballpark estimate for the job (this is very common). If you plan on using a CHP recommended electrician and/or gas plumber, we will notify them for you and make sure they are at the job after the installation begins.

Tree Removal (if applicable)

During your site evaluation we will suggest any trees that need to be removed prior to your installation. Please make sure to do this ASAP - not waiting until a week prior to the installation. We cannot give any firm installation dates until trees are down and the area is clear for us to come in.

Shed and/or Play set Moves

If you have a shed or play set in the area where the pool will be then you will need to be sure these are moved prior to CHP scheduling any firm start date for your installation.

Fence Removal (if applicable)

If you have an existing fence that blocks our access you will need to have a 20' section removed prior to our start date. Again, our access area will be told to you during your site evaluation. If you need any reminders of this please call the office.

Fill Removal (if applicable)

If you do not plan on, or cannot lose the excavated material on site (included with your installation), then you will be charged for trucking & dumping for this service. The closer the dumping location is to the pool installation the faster this process will take and the less it will cost you. Customers can find dumping locations ahead of time if they wish. This can be local businesses or homeowners that are looking for fill.

Can excavated material be left on site? Y / N / Partially

Drawing of desired pool location in relation to the house, plus access route:

NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Pool Desired Name(s): ________________________________________________________________

Installer's Suggestions: ________________________________________________________________

Installer's Restrictions (if applicable)

Pool Size Restrictions: _________________________________________________________________

Pool Depth Restrictions: _______________________________________________________________

Questions to ask regarding any potential yard limitations

and/or site conditions that need to be addressed

(aka EXTRAS)

Ledge and/or boulders in or around pool location

High ground water table

Limited access to yard and/or road needed to for heavy machinery

Crane needed for pool delivery

Small machines needed (not enough room for standard machinery)

Buried debris (trash, old pool, organics/stumps)

Additional drainage needed

Walls needed PRIOR to pool installation

Walls needed AFTER pool installation

Fill needed to bring grade up

Fill removal needed (no room for material on site)

Tree removal needed

Fence removal needed

Playset removal needed

Other: _______________________________________________________________________________




© 2020 by JH Consulting for CHP, Inc.

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