The bucket test is a simple method to check if your inground swimming pool has a leak or not. Here are the steps to perform the bucket test:
1. Fill your pool to its normal level and turn off the pump.
2. Fill a bucket with pool water to about one inch from the top and place it on the first or second step of the pool.
3. Mark the water level inside the bucket and outside the bucket on the pool wall with a waterproof marker or tape.
4. Leave the bucket and the pool undisturbed for 24 hours.
5. After 24 hours, compare the water levels in the bucket and the pool. If they are the same, then your pool is not leaking. If the pool water level is lower than the bucket water level, then your pool has a leak.
The bucket test can help you determine if your pool is losing water due to evaporation or a leak. However, it cannot tell you where the leak is located or how severe it is. For that, you may need to contact a professional pool leak detection service.