When it comes to installing pools it is important to understand the difference between the rough and the finished grade around the pool.
The elevation that a pool is set at will depend on various factors. Below are 3 scenarios to review. For each, the topsoil (or "organics") is always removed/stripped for the proposed patio areas.
Scenario #1 - pool finish grade is higher than the existing grade
If the pool is set at an elevation that is currently higher than the existing then extra material will need to be brought in to bring the surrounding areas up as well. The diagram below shows how the area around the pool will need to be built up by the pool company, the patio company, and the landscaper.

Scenario #2 - pool finish grade is lower than the existing grade
If the pool is set lower than the current elevation of the yard then any excess material will need to drop down below the height of the pool as well. This initial grading can sometimes be done by the CHP or it can be done ahead of time by another contractor. Either way, there will be additional site work needed to achieve the proper elevation.

Scenario #3 - flat, or close to flat yards
If your yard is flat then the excavated material will need to be hauled away. Depending on the site, the rough grade will be close to, if not at the finished height after the pool installation. The patio company may need to remove more material to make room for the patio installation.
